Ferguson Family Chiropractic SHARE YOUR CARE SUMMER continues!

July 21, 2013



Tomorrow, Monday, July 22 from 6-7:30


Come to Ferguson Family Chiropractic for Kona Ice!


Bring Family & friends for your chance to win a brand new Apple itouch! 

Share summer fun while you SHARE YOUR CARE!

See you tomorrow!

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Kids

July 7, 2013



Mar 21, 2011 | By Nancy Clarke

An increase in chronic childhood disease is part of the reason parents today seek alternative health care for kids. Chiropractic care is an effective and affordable program by licensed providers that addresses children’s health conditions associated with the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Gentle, noninvasive and drug free, chiropractic adjustments treat, resolve and prevent a wide range of health problems. Recent research by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) found spinal manipulative therapy safe and successful in treating children of all ages.


Acute conditions may result from birth trauma, sports mishaps and accidental injury. Chiropractic care benefits children by correcting the spinal alignment to improve their overall health. When vertebral joints are misaligned during birth or from a blow or fall, muscle tissue and nerves may also be affected. Spinal adjustment frees joints, restores motion and relieves nerve pressure, which may be the cause of additional ailments. Parents report successful treatment of children’s health issues such as acute earache, upper respiratory infection, muscle pain, neck pain and accident trauma. Spinal manipulation for children as young as newly born babies is an alternative treatment for the discomfort of colic and other digestive disorders as well.


Parents surveyed by the ICPA reported behavioral improvement for kids who saw a chiropractor, as well as improved sleep and stronger immune systems. Although scientific evidence in these areas is still inconclusive, the growing number of those seeking children’s health care from chiropractors (up 8.5% since 1991, according to the American Chiropractic Association) is a positive endorsement of its benefits. Chiropractic America reports that natural, drug-free chiropractic care is sometimes more effective than traditional medical approaches for chronic earache, scoliosis and neck pain. Headaches and sleep disorders of nonspecific causes respond well to spinal adjustments, which affect and repair interrupted neural pathways. Asthma and allergy symptoms and patterns of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may also be treatable with chiropractic.


Success in these areas has implications for chiropractic care’s preventive capacity. Periodic ongoing adjustments at a young age may help stave off the above ailments before they begin. Proper spinal alignment now may delay or prevent degenerative bone or joint disease, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. In addition to maintaining children’s health, regular visits to the chiropractor also instill the value of proactive health care in kids. They’ll be more likely to monitor and manage their health as they grow up and less likely to be afraid or in denial of any health problems. Encouraging good lifelong health habits is one of chiropractic’s best benefits for kids.

Original Post from LIVESTRONG.COM


Brought to you by:

Ferguson Family Chiropractic

4609 South Main Street – Acworth, GA  30101


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Wonderful Member Shares Her Success!

May 13, 2013

The Load of Stress

April 22, 2013


A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: “How heavy is this glass of water?”

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied, “The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.” She continued, “The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.”

It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!


Brought to you by:

Ferguson Family Chiropractic

4609 S Main Street, Acworth , GA

(770) 966-1800



Original source:  http://www.rawforbeauty.com

Chiropractic Boosts Brain~Body Coordination

April 5, 2013

The brain is the master control system for the entire body. It sends and receives a complicated frequency of signals with the body that dictate the function of the body. When there is interference in this neurological feedback loop, it alters the environment the brain perceives itself to be in; this consequently changes the adaptation process the brain orchestrates throughout the body. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to enhance the sensorimotor integration of the brain with the body.

Many experts have hypothesized that increased stress cycles in the body produce the environment for dis-ease and eventually disease within the body. Stress can come from a variety of sources in the mental/emotional form, chemical form, and physical realm. When the body is under increased stress it responds by increasing its sympathetic tone. This means the body shunts itself into “fight or flight” survival based mode by altering cardiovascular & endocrine function to get itself ready for dynamic activity.

Many experts have hypothesized that increased stress cycles in the body produce the environment for dis-ease and eventually disease within the body. Stress can come from a variety of sources in the mental/emotional form, chemical form, and physical realm. When the body is under increased stress it responds by increasing its sympathetic tone. This means the body shunts itself into “fight or flight” survival based mode by altering cardiovascular & endocrine function to get itself ready for dynamic activity.

Increased sympathetic tone causes a release of stress hormones such as adrenalin, epinephrine, and cortisol. This is the same response we get when we are anxious or exercising. This is okay if it is for a short period of time; however, when the stress lasts longer than expected it exhausts the body and causes a state of dis-ease to manifest.

When the brain sends information to the organs, muscles, and tissues of the body, this is called efferent neurological flow. In return, the afferent flow of information includes all the messages sent to the brain from skin, muscle, joint, and organ receptors. This afferent/efferent neurological loop is how the body is able to respond and adapt appropriately to its environment.

The ramifications of increased stress hormones in the body include overworked adrenal glands, lowered immunity, decreased digestive functions, fatigue, & blood pressure disturbances. Increased cortisol levels also cause ligament laxity by stripping critical proteins from the tendon and ligament structures. This causes joint weakness throughout the body, including the spine and extremities, making them much more susceptible to injury.

Subluxation is a term used to describe mechanical compression and irritation to spinal joints and nerves. Subluxation scrambles the neurological feedback loop by causing altered rhythms of neurological flow. Subluxations are caused by trauma, poor posture, or increased chemical and emotional stresses.

Subluxations are a physical stress on the body and therefore increase the sympathetic tone, so the body shunts its energy toward the fight or flight system. If the subluxation(s) are not corrected they continue to produce this increased stress response. This increases cortisol and causes greater joint & ligament laxity in the spine and extremities making them more susceptible to injury. Additionally, increased long-term stress on the body greatly accelerates the degenerative processes of the spine and joints leading to osteoarthritis.

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to normalize spinal afferent/efferent processes to their proper resting tone. This is like hitting the reset button on the computer when it is malfunctioning. The computer is allowed to pause and reprocess itself. Chiropractic adjustments stop the stress response and restore normal hormonal and cardiovascular function to the body. This allows the body to reset itself and begin healing the damage that was done in the body due to chronic stress cycles.

Research performed by Taylor and Murphy demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments enhanced sensorimotor integration, the body’s ability to sense where it is in space and effectively coordinate complex movement patterns. This improves function in both the brain and the body. Improved spatial intelligence translates into better physical and mental balance, coordination, and mobility. Chiropractic adjustments make you think and move with better speed, skill, and finesse.

         Dr. David Jockers

Brought to you by:

Ferguson Family Chiropractic

4609 S Main Street, Acworth, GA

(770) 966-1800


Meet one of The Amazing Ladies of Ferguson Family Chiropractic!

March 13, 2013


Dr. Kristina Backenstose completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Food Science at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Life University in Marietta, GA.

Kristina first became acquainted with Chiropractic care in the 10th grade when she accompanied her father to his Sports Chiropractor when he injured his shoulder. Prior to this initial visit, she knew nothing about Chiropractic care.  After the visit with her father, Kristina was intrigued and spent a week shadowing the Chiropractor during her summer break.  After this educational, eye-opening week, Kristina knew what she wanted for her future.

While doing her undergraduate work at Drexel University, Kristina played Division 1 field hockey.  Sadly she suffered a serious lower back injury while playing and was advised that she may never play again.  Kristina began Chiropractic treatment near the University in Philadelphia and miraculously returned to play for an amazing field hockey season her senior year.

Kristina practiced in Canton and Midtown, GA for the last few years. She recently moved into the Dallas area and joined us, in our efforts here at Ferguson Family Chiropractic.  Utilizing her experience and knowledge, Dr. Kristina loves to treat and educate families about the amazing benefits of a Chiropractic lifestyle.

Kristina enjoys spending her free time with her family, running with her dog and hiking.  She enjoys staying active, being outside and traveling as well.

Kristina is excited to be a part of Ferguson Family Chiropractic!  If you haven’t had a chance to come meet this amazing part of our family, stop by and say hello!









Happy Ferguson Family Chiropractic Couple.

February 25, 2013

Heart Healthy Tips for February

February 8, 2013

Heart-Healthy Tips for February

Make your heart stronger and live longer!

 While February has Valentine’s Day as a heart-centered day, it also is American Heart Month, as recognized by the American Heart Association. Taking care of your heart is really a two-fold thing. First, there’s the focus on the actual heart itself and making it strong and healthy. This is done through a combination of dietary choices, exercise habits and stress management. We can eat all the healthy food in the world but if we’re constantly stressed, that can lead vertebral subluxation supplying the nerves to the heart; putting a strain on our heart.

 Here are some tips to keep your physical heart healthy:

  • Do some kind of regular exercise: Running, going for a brisk walk or to the gym have stress-busting effects. Look in your neighborhood for deals run by your local gym or yoga studio or find a neighbor or nearby friend and start training for a spring road race.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and limit your intake of red meat: The more you can do to increase your intake of heart-healthy foods; you’ll lower your chances of developing high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Locally, you can shop farmer’s markets when in season or even try one of the Community Share Agriculture programs.
  • Meditate: Sitting still in silence is critical to decreasing stress. Disconnecting from the TV, computer and smartphone gives the brain a much-needed rest. Many local yoga studios hold classes in meditation or will connect you with teachers who will work with you privately.
  • Get a physical: Too many people wait until there is a problem before going to their general practitioner. Make yearly appointments to get a physical. This will include checking your blood pressure and cholesterol, weight and blood work. These tests all are indicators of heart health and can help you get ahead of a problem that’s brewing.
  • Break those bad habits that create heart problems: Things like smoking, eating a lot of red meat, high-stress habits such as addiction to technology (called “Inability to Switch Off”) can all create heart disease. Sign up for a smoking cessation program, look for ways to limit your meat intake, such as only eating it on the weekend and leave your computer out of the bedroom can decrease some of the time you spend online.
  • Get adjusted: Too many people wait until there is a problem before going to their chiropractor. Getting adjusted addresses the subluxations present in your body and is an excellent form of disease prevention; allowing our bodies to heal from the inside out.

The second aspect of taking care of your heart recognizes that the heart is the organ of emotion and intuition. When we live with anger, jealous and hatred, we’re putting a strain our heart as well.

 Here are some tips to keep your emotional heart healthy:

  • Make peace with those around you: If you’re holding a grudge, let it go. If that takes owning up to a wrong, do it. If it takes letting something slide so you can be at peace, do it. It’s better to be healthy than angry.
  • Say what’s on your mind: Holding back what’s on your mind, not being clear with those around you, waiting for the “right” time to have a difficult conversation can all lead to pressure on the nervous system leading to subluxation due to an emotional strain.
  • Don’t take things to heart: Otherwise known as “don’t take things personally” this adage from a book called “The Four Agreements” by don Miguel Ruiz is a wonderful reflection of the fact that we have no control over other people but we can control our emotions and reactions to their actions. Rather than living in drama, stay in your own body and breath and move through life without taking on the burden of everyone else’s issues.

Despite the focus of Valentine’s Day being on romantic love, remember that the greatest love you can have is love of yourself. Take a moment each day to appreciate and acknowledge what you love about yourself!

Brought to you by:

Ferguson Family Chiropractic

4609 S. Main Street, Acworth, GA 30101

(770) 966-1800


The First thing to do when a Cold or Flu strikes

January 31, 2013

Dietary Strategies to Kick a Cold or Flu

The first thing you want to do when you feel yourself coming down with a cold or flu is to avoid ALL sugars, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods. Sugar is particularly damaging to your immune system — which needs to be ramped up, not suppressed, in order to combat an emerging infection. This includes fructose from fruit juice and all types of grains (as they break down as sugar in your body).

Foods that will help strengthen your immune response include:

  • Raw, grass-fed organic milk, and/or high-quality whey protein
  • Fermented foods such as raw kefir, kimchee, miso, pickles, sauerkraut
  • Raw, organic eggs from pastured chickens
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Coconuts and coconut oil
  • Organic vegetables
  • Garlic (Ideally raw and crushed before eating)
  • Tumeric, oregano, cinnamon, cloves
  • Mushrooms (especially Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake)
  • Make sure to drink plenty of pure water. Water is essential for the optimal function of every system in your body and will help with nose stuffiness and loosening secretions. You should drink enough water so that your urine is a light, pale yellow.

Green Tea—A Healthful Beverage Choice During Flu Season

Green tea contains antiviral components that may also be helpful against flu infection. Results in a recent study showed that drinking green tea, up to five cups per day, was associated with a lower rate of infection.


Other Lifestyle Strategies that Promote a Cold and Flu-Free Existence

Besides the nutritional interventions already discussed, the following lifestyle strategies will also help optimize your overall resistance against cold and flu viruses:

  1. Get plenty of high-quality sleep. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, or enough restorative sleep, you’ll be at increased risk for a hostile viral takeover. Your immune system is also the most effective when you’re not sleep-deprived, so the more rested you are the quicker you’ll recover.
  2. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise is a crucial strategy for increasing your resistance to illness. There is evidence that regular, moderate exercise can reduce your risk for respiratory illness by boosting your immune system. In fact, one study found that people who exercised regularly (five or more days a week) cut their risk of having a cold by close to 50 percent. And, in the event they did catch a cold, their symptoms were much less severe than among those who did not exercise.

Exercise likely cuts your risk of colds so significantly because it triggers a rise in immune system cells that can attack any potential invaders. Each time you exercise you can benefit from this boost to your immune system..

Furthermore, exercise can also help boost your immune system acutely, by increasing your body temperature. This helps kill off invading pathogens, similarly to the fever your body produces when sick.

  1. Address your emotional stress. Emotional stressors can also predispose you to an infection while making cold symptoms worse. Finding ways to manage daily stress as well as your reactions to circumstances beyond your control will contribute to a strong and resilient immune system.

-Dr Mercola

Brought to you by:

Ferguson Family Chiropractic

4609 S. Main Street, Acworth

(770) 966-1800


Gratitude Pledge

November 12, 2012

Dr. Karen explains the Gratitude Pledge we’re all taking part in here at FFC. Check it out…